A Gift Certificate from our store would be the perfect way to introduce a Momma-To-Be to the world of consignment.  It would give her a chance to check out the store, get some cutsie stuff for the little bambino, and give us a chance to explain to her how consignment works.  This way, your gift keeps on giving!

It is also a great gift for the kid who has so much stuff that you don't know what to give them.  It will give them a chance to pick out their own gift or outfit and teach them that "Brand New" isn't all it's cracked up to be.  It might also help them to see that if they take care of their toys, they can sell them for new ones.  Start 'em young!  

To purchase a gift certificate without leaving the comfort of your couch, email us at sopreciousinhissight2011@gmail.com with the following information:
-Name of the person receiving the gift
-The amount you would like to give
-An address of where you would like the gift certificate sent
We will invoice you via Paypal and once the invoice is paid, we will mail the gift certificate out within 24 hours.  As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.  
::Gift Certificates